Thursday, September 23, 2010

But God

Dear Church,

The enemy comes to steal.

But Jesus enables us to store up treasures in heaven, where thieves do not break in and steal.

The enemy comes to kill.

But God raises the dead to life and speaks things into being.

The enemy comes to destroy.

But God is our very own healer and restorer.

The enemy may breed darkness and hatred.

But God is Love and light, and in Him is no darkness at all.

Satan struck His heel.

But Jesus crushed his head.

The powers of darkness may wage war against our souls and prowl around like a roaring lion waiting to devour us.

But God has created us not only as recipients of His ferocious love, which is our fortress, but as weapons of holy war to wreak havoc in Satan's backyard.

The enemy may confuse and interfere with God's good gifts purposed for His glory.

But what he means for evil, God means for good. He makes dry land out of deep seas, and creates paths where paths have never existed. Nothing is too hard for Him. Nothing exhausts Him.

The enemy may be "the god of this age." (2 Corinthians 4:4)

But God is the Alpha and Omega, who was and is and is to come; the Almighty.

Satan is the father of lies.

But we have within us the Spirit of Truth.

The enemy is our accuser.

But Jesus is our advocate at the right hand of God, always interceding for the saints...who are the righteousness of God in Him.

How wonderful it is that we are not left alone to contend for ourselves!

"If God is for us, who could be against us?" Psalm 56:4

I read this quote today:

"We have to come to a place where we are more confident in the Lord's ability to lead us, than the enemy's ability to deceive us."

Jesus has brought me to that place. It is victorious. It is unshakable. There is an incredible peace and rest resulting from complete, blind (some would say foolish) trust in the Spirit of God. The joy is boundless.

Lately the only things I have been aware of are that He is good, He is sovereign, and He loves me. To love Him with my mind is to let myself be concerned with these few things, trusting Him with the details and enjoying the rest that He has set apart for me in His presence. It sounds so simple -- and that's because it is!

But it gets simpler yet, Beloved. I pray that you put more stock into His love for you than your love for Him. Just receive. That's it. No strings attached. Your condition does not determine the flow of His love for you. Nothing can separate you from His love. He is faithful and He is near. Read that again and breathe it in: He is faithful and He is near...He is a part of you and He will never leave you.

My mind may wander and forget these things...but the Holy Spirit pursues me and reminds me of what is true. He wins!

I may have been a great sinner, but God is a great Savior. He made me an entirely new creation that now stands before Him with Christ's righteousness as my resume. That is why we are not condemned! He is just in not condemning us because Christ's crucifixion and resurrection have justified us, making us as if we had never sinned. Enjoy that access, holy ones, because in your inheritance is everything that Christ earned in His perfection.

He who has an ear, let him hear.
